Returning to Flying

As of the 20th July we are pleased to be able to start returning to flying again. Some restrictions remain and are liable to change at short notice so please check back for updates.

General Information

PPE is mandatory in and around the clubhouse and on Club aircraft. This will be provided for anyone booked to fly who does not have any. Club aircraft must be cleaned with sanitiser before and after each flight.

A maximum of two passengers may fly in the Cessna 172 aircraft and these must be members of the pilot or student’s household, or other Club members.

There are reduced numbers of staff available in the clubhouse therefore please bear with us when trying to contact us to arrange flights. Payment for flights will not be collected on site; an invoice will be emailed to you once you have booked in. We are unable to take cash payments.

Flying Lessons

Flying lessons are running as normal subject to the above general requirements. Please book lessons using the online booking system.

Trial Lessons and Scenic Flights

These flights are starting to become available again subject to aircraft and staff availability. There are reduced numbers of staff available in the clubhouse therefore please bear with us when trying to contact us to arrange flights.

Vouchers and gift certificates which were due to expire between the 23rd March 2020 and 22nd September 2020 will be extended for six months from their current expiry date.

PPL Hire

PPL hire is running as normal subject to the above general requirements. Please book aircraft using the online booking system.

Visiting Aircraft

If you are visiting Newtownards from outside Northern Ireland please note that the UK Home Office is requiring an additional copy of the GAR form to be sent to, which must include the names and contact telephone numbers of all crew and passengers.

Please ensure you are familiar with the latest requirements regarding visiting Northern Ireland here.