Update 21/07/2020
We have been able to resume flying lessons and trial flights! See the latest news item for full details.
Update 31/03/2020
The Ulster Flying Club has been able to allow solo PPL flights following discussions with relevant parties. All eligible members of the club have been contacted by email and must undergo a refresher ground lesson with an instructor prior to being able to hire an aircraft.
For all visiting pilots please review the local NOTAMs and contact the club if you have any further queries.
Cloud Nine restaurant has resumed opening on a limite basis. Their opening hours are likely to change at short notice; please contact them directly for more information.
Original Post
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic the Ulster Flying Club has taken the decision to close until further notice.
The Committee, after consultation with medical advisers, club accounts, and in accordance with the recommendations of the U.K. and local governments has decided that in the best interest of all staff, students, members and the general public that the UFC will close until further notice. This decision has not been taken lightly as we have tried to maintain the training of students and provide the PPL members with the facility but unfortunately due to the severity of this virus and its continued progress the committee have taken this action and decided to close.
Trial Flights, Gift Vouchers and Introductory Flights
These flights have initially been suspended.
Anyone who has purchased a Trial Lesson or Introductory Flight between 1st January 2020 and 31st March 2020 will have their voucher extended by three months.
Cloud Nine restaurant is also closed until further notice.