Our online aircraft booking system from Pooleys is available at the link above for current club members.
For help using the system, please call the club office on 028 9181 3327.
Bookings should match the standard slot times below:
1st July 2022 – 30th September 2022:
[0830 to 1030]
[1030 to 1230]
[1300 to 1500]
[1500 to 1700]
Summer evening slots subject to staff cover
from 30th September 2022:
[0830 to 1000]
[1000 to 1130]
[1130 to 1300]
[1330 to 1500]
[1500 to 1630]

Instructors do not always work on a regular schedule. If no instructor is available at the time you want to fly, select “Standby” in the instructor box and we’ll assign an instructor if one becomes available.